Accelerated Statistics for Public Policy II

Spring 2021
Georgetown University

Course Outline

Course Schedule

Week Date Topic Assignment
1 January 26 Course Introduction & Research Design
2 February 2 Data Wrangling & Presentation in R Assignment 1 Assigned
3 February 9 Introduction to Causal Inference Assignment 1 Due
4 February 16 OLS, Confounders, & Simulation
5 February 23 Panel Data & Difference-in-Difference Assignment 2 Assigned
6 March 2 Instrumental Variables Assignment 2 Due; Assignment 3 Assigned
7 March 9 Experiments Assignment 3 Due; Assignment 4 Assigned
8 March 16 Regression Discontinuity Assignment 4 Due; Assignment 5 Assigned
9 March 23 Midterm Assignment 5 Due
March 30 No Class; Spring Break
10 April 6 Matching
11 April 13 Synthetic Control Assignment 6 Assigned
12 April 20 Binary Outcomes Assignment 6 Due
13 April 27 Ordered & Multinomial Outcomes Assignment 7 Assigned
14 May 4 Selection Assignment 7 Due
May 17 Final Exam (9am - 11am)


Virtual Classroom

Virtual Office Hours (Wednesdays 9:00am - 11:00am)

Lab Room (Wednesdays 10:00am - 11:00am)

Recurrent Zoom link can also be found on Canvas. Please contact the professor/TA through Slack if any of the Zoom links break.


Recitation meets virtually most weeks on Wednesdays from 10:00am to 11:00am. Below is the schedule for when there is a lab.

Like the virtual lectures, recitation will take place on Zoom. The zoom link will be the same as the class meeting link. If the link breaks, the teaching assistant will post a new link through the #labs tab on Slack.

Week Date Lab Topic
1 January 26 No Lab
2 February 2 Data Wrangling in R
3 February 9 Data Visualization in R
4 February 16 Reproducibility in R
5 February 23 Panel & Diff-in-diff
6 March 2 Instruments
7 March 9 Experiments
8 March 16 Regression Discontinuity
9 March 23 No Lab - Midterm
10 April 6 Matching
11 April 13 Synthetic Control
12 April 20 Bindary Dependent Variables
13 April 27 Ordered/Multinomial Dependent Variables
14 May 4 Review for Final


The presentation is a 10 minute in-class presentation with slides on a paper related to the material we are discussing. These presentations will be done in teams of two. Each team will be responsible for locating a research paper published in a peer-reviewed journal. The presentation should summarize the substantive and statistical issues addressed in the paper and provide context and a critique.

Students will be evaluate along 5 categories: preparedness, presentation performance, slides, critiques, and timing. Please see the rubric for specifics.

Presentation Rubric

The presentation schedule for the Spring 2021 semester:

Group Partner_1 Partner_2
1 Ella Zhang Sahithi Adari
2 Fangzi Wang Maryam Khalid Shah
3 Tianhui Cao Madeline Kinnaird
4 Alexander Adams Harshini Tammareddy
5 Merykokeb Belay Lexi Gu
6 Charlie Zhang Gloria Li
7 Mary Kryslette Bunyi Matthew Ring
8 Yousuf Abdelfatah Zixun Hao
9 Justine Huynh Vince Egalla
10 Ruyi Yang Chau Nguyen


The following are installation instructions for R and RStudio.

R Software

To install R, download R from CRAN via the following:

To install RStudio, download from the following (scroll to the bottom):


Eric Dunford (Professor)

Emma Farber (Teaching Assistant)


  • Slack: class communications will primarily take place through Slack.

Lecture Materials

Week 9: Midterm