class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
PPOL561 | Accelerated Statistics for Public Policy II
Week 7
Prof. Eric Dunford ◆ Georgetown University ◆ McCourt School of Public Policy ◆
--- layout: true <div class="slide-footer"><span> PPOL561 | Accelerated Statistics for Public Policy II           Week 7 <!-- Week of the Footer Here -->              Experiments <!-- Title of the lecture here --> </span></div> --- class: outline # Outline for Today - **Randomization and balance** <br> - **Compliance and intention-to-treat models** <br> - **Using 2SLS to deal with non-compliance** <br> - **Attrition** <br> - **Natural experiments** --- class: newsection # Randomization <br> and Balance --- ### Experiments <br><br> `$$Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Treament_i + \epsilon_i$$` <br> - If `\(Treatment_i\)` is randomly assigned, there is no correlation with the error term. - Difference of means is sufficient to assess treatment effect - Control group: `\(\beta_0\)` - Treatment group: `\(\beta_0 + \beta_1\)` - Treament Effect: `\(\beta_1\)` --- <br><br><br> <img src="week-07-experiments-ppol561_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Experiments <br><br> `$$Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Treament_i + \epsilon_i$$` <br> - **Randomization may fail**: - Treatment and Control groups may differ in systematic ways. - Due to chance, imbalance in the treatment and control groups can creep in. - E.g. what should we do if there are more men in the treatment group? --- <br> <img src="week-07-experiments-ppol561_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- <br> <img src="week-07-experiments-ppol561_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- <br><br><br> <img src="week-07-experiments-ppol561_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Diagnosing Balance **Balance checks** involve assessing whether the treatment and control groups are similar. -- `$$Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Treament_i + \beta X_i+ \epsilon_i$$` where `$$\{age_i, female_i, educ_i, \dots\} \in X_i$$` -- <br> `$$age_i = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 Treament_i + \nu_i$$` `$$female_i = \delta_0 + \delta_1 Treament_i + \phi_i$$` `$$educ_i = \tau_0 + \tau_1 Treament_i + \omega_i$$` `$$\vdots$$` --- ### Diagnosing Balance **Balance checks** involve assessing whether the treatment and control groups are similar. <br> `$$X_i = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 Treament_i + \nu_i$$` <br> - The aim is ** `\(\hat{\gamma_1}\)` is _not_ statistically significant**. -- - If `\(\hat{\gamma_1}\)` _is_ statistically significant, we **_do not have balance_** in the experimentally assigned groups. - Suggests **_systematic interference_** with the random allocation of the treatment. --- ### Diagnosing Balance <br> - Balance checks are **_sensitive to statistical power_**: - power is low when `\(N\)` is small: may assume no issues, when there are some. - power is high when `\(N\)` is big: may assume issues, when there are not any. <br> - If balance has been achieved for everything we _can_ observe, we can cautiously speculate that the treatment and control groups are also balanced along unobservable factors --- ### Imbalance <br> When there are **imbalances**, use multivariate OLS including the variable dimensions where there is imbalance. -- <br> Assuming `\(\hat{\gamma_1}\)` is statistically significant (p < .05) for <br> `$$age_i = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 Treament_i + \nu_i$$` -- then <br> `$$Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Treament_i + \beta_2 age_i+ \epsilon_i$$` --- ### Post-treatment bias <br> - Careful to only control for variables measured **<u> before treatment</u>** that do not vary over time. <br> - **post-treatment bias** (ahem... collider bias) - Control for variable measured _after_ treatment - Treatment may effect its value - Make it difficult to untangle the actual treatment effect - The effect of the treatment may be captured by the post-treatment variables. --- <br><br><br> <img src="week-07-experiments-ppol561_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: newsection # Compliance <br> & <br> Intention-to-Treat --- ### Non-Compliance <br><br> - **Non-compliance** occurs in an experimental setting when an individual selected for treatment does not actually receive the treatment. -- - _Simple example_: Survey experiment administered over the phone. Individual in the treatment group is called and doesn't answer. We say he/she didn't "comply". -- - The reasons he/she didn't comply (age, employment, land-line, etc.) might be correlated with the error term -- - Non-compliance can be due to **non-random** factors (a source of endogeneity) --- <br><br><br> <img src="week-07-experiments-ppol561_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- <br> .center[ <img src="Figures/compliance.png" width = 1000> ] --- ### Educational Vouchers The **setup**: - Random assignment of vouchers to students in NYC to attend private school. - After a year, everyone (treatment and control groups) take a test. - See who did better. -- The **Issue**: Not everyone who received the voucher used it. .center[ | Student | Voucher | Went | |---------|---------|-------| | Student 1 | 1 | 1 | | Student 2 | 0 | 0 | | Student 3 | 1 | 0 | ] **Solutions?** --- ### Intention-to-Treat (ITT) <br> <img src="week-07-experiments-ppol561_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Intention-to-Treat (ITT) - Compare means of all assigned to the treatment group - `\(Z_i = 1\)` for both `\(T_i = 1\)` and `\(T_i = 0\)` - To those not assigned (control group) - `\(Z_i = 0\)` -- - The **_idea behind ITT approach_** is to look for differences between the whole treatment group (whether they complied or not) and the whole control group `$$Y_i = \delta_0 + \delta_1 Z_i + \nu_i$$` - Recall `\(Z_i\)` is uncorrelated with the error term (it's randomly assigned) - Compliance issues are not at play --- ### Intention-to-Treat (ITT) <br> - Approach sidesteps concerns regarding endogeneity at the cost of being statistically conservative. - When there is non-compliance, ITT will **_underestimate the treatment effect_** -- - The ITT estimate ( `\(\hat{\delta_1}\)` ) is a **lower-bound estimate** of `\(\beta_1\)` (the actual treatment effect) - If everyone complied, then `\(\hat{\delta_1} = \beta_1\)` - If no one complies `\(\hat{\delta_1} = 0\)` - So estimate lives between `\(0\)` and `\(\beta_1\)` --- ### Intention-to-Treat (ITT) <br> - Sometimes **ITT is a cop-out**... but a good one that's being careful to not overstating or misinterpreting the effect. -- <br> - Sometimes whether someone did or didn't comply with a treatment is **not known**. - e.g. mailed advertisements as treatment -- <br> - Sometimes ITT effect is **most relevant quantity** of interest - e.g. kids missing school on the day of the treatment --- # Questions - **(1)** Will there be balance problems if there is non-compliance? Why or why not? -- - **(2)** Suppose there is non-compliance but no signs of balance problems. Does this mean the non-compliance must be harmless? Why or why not? -- - **(3)** Suppose an international aid group working in a country with low literacy rates randomly assigned children to a treatment group that received one hour of extra reading help each day. The outcome is a reading test score after one year. Is non-compliance an issue? -- - **(4)** Suppose an airline randomly upgraded some economy class passengers to business class. The outcome is flight satisfaction. Is non-compliance an issue? --- class: newsection # Assignment as Instrument --- ## Instruments <br><br><br> Last time we discussed instrumental variables and established two conditions for a **good instrument** - **_Inclusion condition_**: the instrument must be a _statistically significant_ determinant of the independent variable of interests - **_Exclusion condition_**: the instrument must be uncorrelated with the error term in the main equation. --- ## Instruments <br><br><br> A randomized **_treatment assignment_** works as a **_great instrument_** - Being RTC is uncorrelated with the error in the outcome model (exclusion condition) - Being RTC is correlated with getting the treatment (inclusion condition) --- <br><br><br> <img src="week-07-experiments-ppol561_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Does "Get-Out-the-Vote" work? <br> `$$turnout_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 contact_i + \epsilon_i$$` where - `\(turnout_i\)` is whether (1) or not (0) individual `\(i\)` turned out to vote - `\(contact_i\)` is whether (1) or not (0) individual `\(i\)` was contacted by the campaign <br> **What lives in the error term?** -- - political interest - campaigns only contacting people who will actually vote - Whether you're outgoing and answer the door --- ### Does "Get-Out-the-Vote" work? <br> .center[ **Stage 1** | | DV: `Personal Visit` `\(= 1\)` | |---|--| |`Personal visit assigned` ( `\(Z=1\)` ) | `\(.279^*\)` | | `\(t = 95.47\)` |`Intercept` | `\(0\)` | | `\(t = 0\)` ] - 27.9% of those assigned to be visited were actually visited (complied) - Intercept is 0 implying that no _non_-assigned individuals were contacted - Inclusion condition satisfied --- ### Does "Get-Out-the-Vote" work? <br> .center[ **Stage 2** | | DV: `Turnout` `\(= 1\)` | |---|--| |`Personal visit` ( `\(\hat{T}\)` ) | `\(.087^*\)` | | `\(t = 3.34\)` |`Intercept` | `\(.448\)` | | `\(t = 138.38\)` ] <br> - The effect of a personal visit increases the probability of turning out to vote by 8.7% --- class: newsection # Attrition --- ### Attrition <br><br> - **_Attrition_** is when participants **_drop out_** of an experiment. <br> <br> - Factors that drive individuals to leave the experiment can potentially be correlated with the error term <br> <br> - when non-random, attrition can lead to **_endogeneity_** --- <br><br><br> <img src="week-07-experiments-ppol561_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Attrition .center[ <img src = "Figures/attrition.png" width = 500> ] --- ### Detecting Attrition <br> Assess if attrition is related to the treatment `$$Attrition_i = \delta_0 + \delta_1 Treatment_1 + \nu_i$$` If `\(\hat{\delta_1}\)` is statistically significant, then there is differential attrition across the treatment and control groups. -- <br> We can add some nuance to our evaluation by exploring potential interactions between attrition patterns in the treatment and control groups. <br> `$$Attrition_i = \delta_0 + \delta_1 T_1 + \delta_2 age_i + \delta_3 T_i \times age_i + \nu_i$$` --- ### Dealing with Attrition <br><br><br> **Method 1**: Multivariate OLS - If we have covariates on the factors that are driving attrition, we can control for them. - No guarantee that controls will resolve endogeneity --- ### Dealing with Attrition <br><br><br> **Method 2**: Trimmed data set - Make the attrition rates in the treatment and control groups comparable by dropping ("trimming") observations. - This practice is statistically conservative: how we trim might reduce the size of the treatment effect. --- ### Dealing with Attrition <br><br><br> **Method 3**: Selection Models - Model attrition as a selection process (i.e. whether we observe the participants or not) - Requires that we have covariates for those who attrited. + When observations exit the sample, they may take their data with them --- ### Health Insurance **_Are healthcare outcomes the same or better when costs to the consumer are higher?_** -- <br> `$$Health_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 DeductiblePlan_i + \epsilon_i$$` - Rand study **research design** - Randomly assigned people to various health plans + **_Free plan_** – all medical care covered at no cost + **_Cost sharing plans_** - participant must pay for the small stuff - Compare health outcomes across plan types. --- ### Health Insurance **_Are healthcare outcomes the same or better when costs to the consumer are higher?_** <br> `$$Health_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 DeductiblePlan_i + \epsilon_i$$` <br> - **Findings** - Higher co-pays did not degrade health outcomes - Higher co-pay led to less use of medical services --- ### Health Insurance **_Are healthcare outcomes the same or better when costs to the consumer are higher?_** <br> `$$Health_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 DeductiblePlan_i + \epsilon_i$$` - The **Issues** - Not everyone continued in program (attrition!) - 5 of 1,294 (0.4 percent) in free plan left the experiment voluntarily - 179 of 2,664 (6.7 percent) in cost-sharing plans left the experiment voluntarily - **_Implications?_** What kind of individuals would drop out? --- class: newsection ## Natural Experiments --- ### Natural Experiment <br> - **"Nature"** creates some randomized condition that we can exploit. + e.g. How did Alvin Greene get elected in South Carolina? + The random ordering of the candidates in NYC election -- - Condition need not be "random" _per se_ but needs to be **_exogenously_** determined. + The treatment is not correlated with our key explanatory factors + No endogeneity bias. -- - The difficult part is **_finding one_**. --- ### Cultural differences → political cleavages? **_When do cultural cleavages become politically salient?_** -- <br> .center[ <img src = "Figures/posner.png"> ] --- .center[ <img src = "Figures/malawi-zambia-sites.png" width=600> ] --- <br> .center[ <img src = "Figures/posner-results.png" width=700> ] --- <br><br><br><br> .center[ <img src = "Figures/posner-results-2.png" width=900> ]