Let’s use some of the skills we put into practice to examine the subnational relationship between development and conflict in Nigeria.
In this breakout, we’ll:
We’ll use the following spatial datasets for this project:
The data can be downloaded from the following Dropbox data transfer link.
Read in the Nigeria country shape file, prio grid shape file, and the acled conflict (.csv
) data.
In addition, do the following:
) equals 1
(that is, events where we are confident about where the location of the event took place).longitude
and latitude
) for the Nigeria Acled data into a simple features geometry.# Import the data
# Map of Nigeria
nig <- read_sf("Lectures/week_07/breakout/data/nigeria_shapefile/nigeria.shp")
# PRIO-Grid of Africa
afr <- read_sf("Lectures/week_07/breakout/data/africa_grid/africa_grid.shp")
# Conflict Data
acled <- read_csv("Lectures/week_07/breakout/data/acled_africa.csv")
Parsed with column specification:
.default = col_character(),
data_id = col_double(),
iso = col_double(),
event_id_no_cnty = col_double(),
year = col_double(),
time_precision = col_double(),
inter1 = col_double(),
inter2 = col_double(),
interaction = col_double(),
latitude = col_double(),
longitude = col_double(),
geo_precision = col_double(),
fatalities = col_double(),
timestamp = col_double()
See spec(...) for full column specifications.
Plot the three spatial data objects as separate plots. Combine the three separate plots into a single plot using patchwork
# Generate the plot of Nigeria
plot_nig <- ggplot(nig) + geom_sf() + theme_map()
# Generate the plot of the prio grid data
plot_grid <- ggplot(afr) + geom_sf() + theme_map()
# Generate a plot of the acled-nigeria events
plot_conflict <- ggplot(acled_nig) + geom_sf(alpha=.1) + theme_map()
# Use patchwork to bring all three plots together
plot_nig + plot_grid + plot_conflict + plot_layout(ncol=1)