class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
PPOL670 | Introduction to Data Science for Public Policy
Work Flow & Reproducibility
Week 1
Prof. Eric Dunford ◆ Georgetown University ◆ McCourt School of Public Policy ◆
--- layout: true <div class="slide-footer"><span> PPOL670 | Introduction to Data Science for Public Policy           Week 1 <!-- Week of the Footer Here -->              Work Flow & Reproducibility<!-- Title of the lecture here --> </span></div> --- class: outline # Plan for Today ![:space 5] - **_Introduce the Course_** and **_Introductions_** - **_Reproducibility_** + what it means + how to organize data projects coherently + how to build code that you and others can replicate and read - **_Interacting_** with `R` and `RStudio` --- <br><br><br><br><br><br> # What is data science? --- <br> .center[<img src="figures/data_science.JPG" width="700">] --- ## The Aim of Data Science ### Generate + **Valid** + <span style="color:#477acc"> scrutiny, discussion & limitations <span> + **Unbiased** + <span style="color:#477acc"> introspection, diversity & substantive knowledge <span> + **Reproducible** + <span style="color:#477acc"> data provenance, code transparency & version control <span> + **Compelling** + <span style="color:#477acc"> interpretable, intuitive & clear <span> ### insights using data to _influence and inform decision-making_. --- ## This Course focuses on - **Tools**: building a fundamental data science toolkit using `R` + Become a competent user of `R` + Promote self-learning: _don't just pass this course, make this part of your life_. + Master the art of managing errors - **Data Management**: getting, tidying, and managing data + Cleaning Dirty Data + Structuring unstructured data types (like text) + Scraping + Incorporating a "Never touch the data" philosophy - **Analytic Approaches**: drawing insights + Exploring, Modeling, and Prediction --- ## Course Calendar <center> <table class="table" style="font-size: 18px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> Week </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> Topics </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Work Flow and Reproducibility </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Introduction to Programming in R </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 3 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Reproducibility in Practice </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 4 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Data Wrangling in R </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 5 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Data Visualization </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 6 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Web Scrapping and APIs </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 7 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Geospatial Data </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 8 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Text as Data </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 9 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Introduction to Statistical Learning </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 10 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Applications in Supervised Learning (Regression) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 11 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Applications in Supervised Learning (Classification) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 12 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Interpretable Machine Learning </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 13 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Applications in Unsupervised Learning </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 14 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Project Presentations </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- **Who is the course for?** - Anyone who (a) finds this stuff fascinating, (b) wants to understand how to fold data into their decision-making process, and (c) wants to build up their data skills. - New `R` users; no programming experience assumed. - This course is a survey of data science approaches using `R`. You'll walk out of this class being able to do a lot, but it is just a starting point. -- **What this course is not?** - CS course on functional programming. - A machine learning course (we dabble, but don't delve into any one concept in depth). - A "big data" course: we won't delve into database structures, e.g. SQL and Hadoop, or cloud computing, e.g. Azure and AWS. --- ### Learning Virtually - This class will meet virtually this semester. - Lecture will be divided into **_asynchronous_** and **_synchronous_** components. -- - **_Asynchronous_** learning - Pre-recorded videos covering the main concepts for the week. - Materials will be made available _one week prior_ to the scheduled class on the course website. - Approx. 1 to 1.5 hours of content a week. -- - **_Synchronous_** learning - Meet over zoom at the scheduled class time. - Applied walkthroughs/hands-on examples - Approx. 1 to 1.5 hours a week. --- ### Learning from afar? ![:space 5] - **_All synchronous lectures will be recorded_** and saved to Canvas. ![:space 2] - Office hours Tuesdays **_9am to 11am_** (to accommodate different time zones). ![:space 2] - Communication through **_Slack_** to coordinate with peers/TA/prof. ![:space 2] - **Participation = f(Watching, Practicing, Questions)** --- class: newsection # Reproducibility --- ## We focus on things like this... <!-- <img src="figures/lecture01_ethnic-exposure-boko-haram.png" width="600"> --> .center[![description of the image](figures/lecture01_gapminder-animation.gif)] --- ## And forget the reality that is this... .center[<img src="figures/lecture01_messy-files.png" width="800">] --- <br><br> ### Reproducibility is fundamental to the scientific method, but it is also a <u>practical reality</u>. <br> - juggling multiple versions of the same file - collaboration can create conflicts across versions - projects are picked up and put down → tracing the progression of a project across a spiderweb of files is not always easy (or possible) - new people enter the fray → getting them up-to-speed means walking them through the labyrinth, which wastes time and resources. --- # Generating Reproducible Work <br> ### 1. Readable ### 2. Portable ### 3. Well-Named ### 4. Repeatable ### 5. Version Control --- ## Readable ```r x <- rnorm(100) y <- 1 + 2*x + rnorm(100) plot(y,x) ``` vs. ```r # Monte Carlo Simulation of a bivariate linear regression sample_size <- 100 # simulated sample size indep_var <- rnorm(sample_size) # independent variable error <- rnorm(sample_size) # simulate error # generate dependent variable as function of the # independent variable and some error. dep_var <- 1 + 2*indep_var + error # plot values plot(dep_var,indep_var) ``` ??? - Well Commented Code and Functions** - Well-Named Objects - Leverage Spacing To a degree, Code (like writing) should be more Hemmingway than Faulkner: concise, clear, readable. --- ## Portable ![:space 3] - **Project can easily travel across computers** - e.g. R Project (`.rproj`), [`packrat`](, and [`renv`]( -- - **Scripts avoid "machine" specific designations** + Avoid **specific file paths**: `/Users/my-user-name/data-projects/my-project` + **Retain software and packages versions** (e.g. `R`'s `packrat` package ) -- - **Use text files** + Not software dependent (e.g. .docx, .ia); Can open on any system + Can be easily searched via the commandline + Easy to track changes via version control --- # Well-named ![:space 3] Maintain **designated folders** for different aspects of the project. ![:space 3] ```bash data-project ├── raw_data/ # Where our input data lives ├── output_data/ # Where our manipulated data lives ├── R/ # Where our R functions live ├── figures/ # Where our generated figures live ├── reports/ # Where our text-based report output live └── analysis/ # Where our the code for our analyses live ``` --- # Well-named **No spaces!** + A space between designations can mean many things + spaces are ambiguous for the computer .center[`data analysis 2.Rmd` <br> ↓ <br> `data-analysis-2.Rmd`] -- **Names that state the purpose of the file** (no matter how long). .center[`data-analysis-2.Rmd` <br> ↓ <br>`Analysis01_wrangling-census-data-for-visualization_v2.Rmd`] --- ## Repeatable ![:space 3] - Every step of the **_project expressed as code_** -- - **_Automate_** what you can -- - Use **_functions_** to **_repeat common tasks_** -- - Clearly **_state all dependencies_** (i.e. packages/modules) at the top of every script ```R # Pacakges at the top require(tidyverse) require(sf) # Then code ... ``` --- ## Version Control <br> - **Retain a record of all changes** made throughout the project's lifespan - **Easily handle collaboration**: + track who did what + uniform method dealing with conflicting changes - **Provides a room for experimentation and non-linear exploration** - No more **version file names**! --- class: newsection # Interacting with `R` --- # R in a Nut Shell ![:space 5] `R` is a statistical and graphical programming language that is based off a much older language called `S`. It's source code is written in C, Fortran, and R. And it's completely **free** under a [GNU General Public License]( -- ### What this means for us: - **No Barriers to Entry** → easy to acquire, easy to contribute - **Active Community** → if you can think it, there is likely a package out there that does it. - **Powerful and Adaptive** → build an estimator from scratch, scrape a web-site, automate the coding of a dataset. All is within one's reach. --- # Why use R? ![:space 5] `R` offers a powerful way to ![:space 3] - **analyze** data - **clean** excel spreadsheets (and any other data format) systematically - **migrate** projects across platforms - format and **clean** text - **manage** _any_ data source - produce compelling **graphics** and maps --- # R Studio ![:space 10] **R Studio** is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the R programming language. The software makes `R` more user-friendly adding some point-and-click functionality along with a complete integration of graphs, the data environment, and the coding script. -- Think of it like this.. > `R` is the engine that runs all our commands, and R Studio is the leather seats and steering wheel. One does the work, the other eases how that work is done. --- # Installing R and R Studio ![:space 1] To install **R**, download R from CRAN via the following: - Windows: - Mac: To install **R Studio**, download from the following: - Useful **video tutorials**: - [Prior TA's walkthrough]( - Rstudio's Walkthrough: + [Install R]( + [Install RStudio]( --- ### Getting Familiar with R Studio R Studio is broken up into **4 quandrants** that can be arranged and customized to the users preference. .center[<img src="figures/rstudio.png", width=600>] --- ### Getting Familiar with R Studio .center[<img src="figures/rstudio_1_4.png", width=700>] --- ### Getting Familiar with R Studio .center[<img src="figures/rstudio_2_4.png", width=700>] --- ### Getting Familiar with R Studio .center[<img src="figures/rstudio_3_4.png", width=700>] --- ### Getting Familiar with R Studio .center[<img src="figures/rstudio_4_4.png", width=700>] --- # The Console The console is where all the action happens. This is "`R`". .center[<img src="figures/console.png">] --- # The Console All commands are processed through the console directly (that is, one can type commands directly into it) or via a **script**. .center[<img src="figures/console_with_calc.png">] --- # Scripts A script is a `.R` text file where we write and run our code. .center[<img src="figures/empty_script.png">] --- # Scripts A **RMarkdown** script is a `.Rmd` text file where we write **_prose_** and run our code together (more on this on Week 3). .center[<img src="figures/rmarkdown.png">] --- # Scripts When we write a line of code, we can run it in the console by highlighting the text and... - clicking **`run`** - pressing **`command + enter`** (mac) - pressing **`control + enter`** (windows) .left[<img src="figures/script_run.png", width=800>] --- # Scripts Everything in a script will be treated as **code** -- that is if you run it, the line will be processed through the console. However, we can leave comments and notes to ourselves by **commenting out** sections of the script using a **`#`** .left[<img src="figures/commenting_out.png", width=800>]