Learning Objectives

In the Asynchronous Lecture

In the Synchronous Lecture

If you have any questions while watching the pre-recorded material, be sure to write them down and to bring them up during the synchronous portion of the lecture.

Synchronous Materials

Asynchronous Materials

The following tabs contain pre-recorded lecture materials for class this week. Please review these materials prior to the synchronous lecture.

Total time: Approx. 1 hour and 49 Minutes


K-Nearest Neighbors (Concept)

K-Nearest Neighbors (Implementation)

Code from the video

Download the turnout.csv data used in the video.

KNN from Scratch

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from plotnine import *
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import sklearn.metrics as m

# %% -----------------------------------------

# Data 
dat = pd.read_csv("turnout.csv")
y = dat['vote'].values
X = dat.drop(columns=['vote','id']).values

# Split the data.
train_X,test_X,train_y,test_y = train_test_split(X,y,test_size=0.25, random_state=123)

# %% -----------------------------------------

class KNN:
    Implementation of the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

    def __init__(self,train_X,train_y,k=3):
        self.X = train_X # Training predictors
        self.y = train_y # Training outcome
        self.k = k       # N nearest neighbors to consider

    def distance(self,loc1,loc2):
        """Calculate euclidean distance.

            loc1 (list): row of data.
            loc2 (list): row of data.

            float: euclidean distance of the two provided data points.
        squared_distance = [(loc1[i] - loc2[i])**2 for i in range(len(loc1))]
        sum_squared_distance = sum(squared_distance)
        euclidean_distance = np.sqrt(sum_squared_distance)
        return euclidean_distance

    def get_neighbors(self,test_row):
        """Calculate the distance between a test data point and the
        training data to generate a prediction.

            test_row (list): row of test data to locate neighbors from the training data
                for to generate a prediction.

            numpy array: matrix of distance and outcome data for the k nearest
                data points from the training data.

        distances = list() # store the distances

        # iterate through each row of the training data.
        for i, train_row in enumerate(self.X):
            # Calculate the distance between the training data
            # And the test row.
            d = self.distance(train_row,test_row)

            # Append the data entry on.

        # Sort in ascending order to calculate the nearest neighbors

        # Calculate the number of k nearest neighbors.
        nearest_neighbors = distances[:self.k]

        # Return data as a numpy array
        return np.array(nearest_neighbors)

    def generate_prediction(self,nearest_neighbors):
        """Generate a prediction for the new row of data. If a classification problem,
        returns the predicted probability by taking a majority vote of the nearest
        training data. If a regression problem, calculates the average y from the
        nearest training data.

            nearest_neighbors (numpy array): matrix of distance and outcome values of the k
                nearest observations from the training data.

            float: returns an average prediction from the outcome of the nearest training data.

        prediction = nearest_neighbors[:,1].mean()
        return prediction

    def fit(self,test_X):
        """Main implementation of the K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm.

            test_X (numpy array): matric of new data to generate a prediction for.

        # Store predictions
        predictions = list()

        # Iterate through each row of the new data.
        for test_row in test_X:
            # Calculate the nearest neightbors
            neighbors = self.get_neighbors(test_row)

            # Generate a prediction
            pred = self.generate_prediction(neighbors)

            # Story the prediction

        # store predictions
        self.predictions = np.array(predictions)

# %% -----------------------------------------

# Implementation
mod = KNN(train_X=train_X,train_y = train_y,k = 5)
mod.fit(test_X) # Fit the model to the test data.

# Convert to a class
prob = mod.predictions
pred = 1*(prob >= .5)

# Performance

# %% -----------------------------------------

# Example of overfitting an underfitting using KNN

# Fake data
N = 200
x = np.random.normal(size=N)
z = np.random.normal(size=N)
e = np.random.normal(size=N,scale=3)
y = 1 + x + -1.5*x**2 + np.sin(x) + e
D = pd.DataFrame(dict(y=y,x=x))

# %% -----------------------------------------

# Plot the data
    ggplot(D,aes(x="x",y="y")) +
    geom_point() +

# %% -----------------------------------------

# Run the algorithms for different values of K.

X = D.drop(columns=['y']).values
Y = D['y'].values

# Fit our knn model
mod = KNN(train_X=X,train_y = Y,k = 1)
mod.fit(X) # Fit the model
D['prediction k=1'] = mod.predictions # Save the predictions

mod = KNN(train_X=X,train_y = Y,k = 5)
mod.fit(X) # Fit the model
D['prediction k=5'] = mod.predictions # Save the predictions

mod = KNN(train_X=X,train_y = Y,k = 25)
mod.fit(X) # Fit the model
D['prediction k=25'] = mod.predictions # Save the predictions

# %% -----------------------------------------

# Plot the data with the different fits on the data points. 
    ggplot(D,aes(x="x",y="y")) +
    geom_point(alpha=.5) +
    geom_line(D,aes(x="x",y='prediction k=1'),
              color="orange",size=1,alpha=.5) +
    geom_line(D,aes(x="x",y='prediction k=5'),
              color="darkred",size=1.5,alpha=.75) +
    geom_line(D,aes(x="x",y='prediction k=25'),
              color="forestgreen",size=1.5,alpha=.75) +

Decision Tree (Concept)

Decision Tree (Implementation)

Code from the video

Decision Tree from Scratch

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from plotnine import *
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import sklearn.metrics as m
from gapminder import gapminder as dat

# %% -----------------------------------------

# Predict life expectancy using the Gapminder data
y = dat['lifeExp']
X = (dat
     .eval("ln_pop = log(pop)")
     .eval("ln_gdp = log(gdpPercap)")
     .eval("cold_war = 1*(year < 1990)")

# Split the data.
train_X,test_X,train_y,test_y = train_test_split(X,y,test_size=0.25, random_state=123)

# %% -----------------------------------------

class DecisionTree:
    Implementation of the decision tree algorithm.

    def __init__(self,train_X,train_y,max_depth=3):
        self.X = train_X # Training predictors
        self.y = train_y # Training outcome
        self.max_depth = max_depth # How deep should the tree grow? This is an important tuning parameter

    def rss(self,y):
        Residual sum of squares.
        return np.sum((y - np.mean(y)) ** 2)

    def cost(self,y_left,y_right):
        Tree cost function: residual sum of squares for both branches.
        return self.rss(y_left) + self.rss(y_right)

    def find_rule(self,X,y):
        Find the split rule. That is, which feature and which threshold of the potential
        values that feature takes on should we split the data by.

            dict: containing the feature and split rule.

        # initialize the objects
        best_feature = None # empyt
        best_threshold = None # empty
        min_rss = np.inf # Set the error high...

        # For all available features, find the feature that when split
        # minimizes residual sum of squares
        for feature in X.columns:

            # All unique values the selected feature can take on.
            thresholds = X[feature].unique().tolist()
            thresholds.sort() # Sort the threshold values in ascending order
            # drop the first value (when splitting we need values on left and right.)
            thresholds = thresholds[1:]

            # Iterate through the thresholds
            for t in thresholds:

                # Data below the threshold goes on the left
                y_left_ix = X[feature] < t # this is a boolean array

                # the reset fo the data goes on the right.
                y_left, y_right = y[y_left_ix], y[~y_left_ix]

                # Calculate the rss for both sides.
                t_rss = self.cost(y_left, y_right)

                # If the error is less than the current min, record the split rule information
                if t_rss < min_rss:
                    min_rss = t_rss # Save the new minimum (only changes if we can beat it)
                    best_threshold = t # Save the new threshold
                    best_feature = feature # Save the relevant feature

        # Return the feature and the split that minimizes the error.
        return {'feature': best_feature, 'threshold': best_threshold}

    def split(self,X, y, depth):
        Recursive spliting: split the data up until we reach our stop rule
        dictated by the max depth.

        # Stopping rule: if we reach the maximum depth
        # OR if there are only two observations left in the node.
        # Return prediction (average y)
        if depth == self.max_depth or len(X) < 2:
            return {"prediction": np.mean(y)}

        # Find the split rule
        rule = self.find_rule(X,y)

        # If data is below the rule, then push to the left node, else go left.
        # Remember that the output of the find_rule() is a dictionary.
        left_ix = X[rule['feature']] < rule['threshold']

        # Recursive Part: split data then call a smaller subset of the data.
        # The depth moves us toward the max_depth (the stopping rule!); This
        # little piece causes the recursion to stop.

        # Go left
        rule['left'] = self.split(X[left_ix], y[left_ix], depth + 1)

        # Go right
        rule['right'] = self.split(X[~left_ix], y[~left_ix], depth + 1)

        # Once the stopping rule is hit, the rules are returned (with the prediction attached
        # to the terminal notes)
        return rule

    def fit(self):
        Fit the decision tree model using the training data.
        # recursively split the data and store the split rules.
        self.split_rules = self.split(self.X, self.y, depth = 0)

    def generate_prediction(self,test_row):
        Make predictions on new (test) observation. use the test data to trace
        the decision tree to make a prediction.

        prediction = None

        # Copy the split rules
        rules = self.split_rules.copy()

        while prediction is None:

            # Select the feature and the split
            feature = rules['feature']
            threshold = rules['threshold']

            # If below the threhold, go left
            if test_row[feature] < threshold:
                rules = rules['left']
            else: # else go right
                rules = rules['right']

            # If you hit a terminal node, there will be a prediction key
            # If not, return none and continue the while loop
            prediction = rules.get('prediction')

        # Return the prediction from the tree
        return prediction

    def predict(self,test_X):
        Make a prediction on every observation in the test dataset
        # Store all the predictions for the new test data
        predictions = list()

        # Iterate through each row in the test data
        for i, test_row in test_X.iterrows():

            # Generate a prediction for this row of data
            pred = self.generate_prediction(test_row)

            # Append the prediction to the data.

        # Return the array of predicted values
        return np.array(predictions)

# %% -----------------------------------------

# Test Implementation.
mod = DecisionTree(train_X = train_X,train_y = train_y, max_depth = 4)

# Look at the split rules

# Make a prediction
y_hat = mod.predict(test_X)

# Examine out-of-sample performance

# %% -----------------------------------------

# Printing the Decision Rules

def print_tree_rules(rules,indent=0,digit=2):
    Recursively print the decision tree rules.
    pred = rules.get('prediction')
    if pred is not None:
        print('\t'*indent + f"y = {round(pred,digit)}",end="\n")
        print('\t'*indent + f"IF {rules['feature']} < {round(rules['threshold'],digit)}")
        print_tree_rules(rules['left'],indent=indent + 1)
        print('\t'*indent + "ELSE")
        print_tree_rules(rules['right'],indent=indent + 1)

# Print the rules.


The following materials were generated for students enrolled in PPOL564. Please do not distribute without permission.

ed769@georgetown.edu | www.ericdunford.com