
Below I provide simple code for a few functions. As a group, please analyze the run time for the different functions. The questions ask you to consider time (and for some space complexity) – that is, how long does the algorithm take to run, and how much space does it take up. I’ve provided multiple choice answers for each question, choose the correct answer.

Question 1

What is the time, space complexity of following code?

import random 
# M and N are inputs
a = 0
b = 0
for i in range(N):
  if random.gauss(0,1) > 0:
    a += 1
    a -= 1
for j in range(M):
  if random.gauss(0,1) > 0:
    b += 1
    b -= 1

A. \(O(NM)\) time, \(O(1)\) space

B. \(O(N + M)\) time, \(O(N + M)\) space

C. \(O(N + M)\) time, \(O(1)\) space

D. \(O(NM)\) time, \(O(N + M)\) space

Question 2

What is the time complexity of following code?

# N is an input
a = 0
for i in range(N):
  for j in range(i,N):
    a = a + i + j

A. \(O(N)\)

B. \(O(N log(N))\)

C. \(O(N \sqrt N)\)

D. \(O(N^2)\)

Question 3

What is the time complexity of following code?

# N is an input
a = 0
i = N
while i > 0:
  a += i
  i = i//2

A. \(O(N)\)

B. \(O(N^2)\)

C. \(O(\frac{N}{2})\)

D. \(O(log_2 N)\)